In the early Spring of 2007, I put an ad on Craigslist trying to find a room for 3 nights in New Orleans. A man named Jim Thibodeaux answered and said I could stay on his couch, for nothing. This was the beginning of a journey that in a sense is finally ending today.
I had decided to go to New Orleans to try and find some families that would allow me to film them for one day, to make a film contrasting different families in the post-Katrina world. I wanted to make a movie that just focussed on life- no interviews, no mention of the storm except what came up. The New Orleans I found was sublime, powerful, calm, wild, incredibly exciting and welcoming. The families I ended up filming were the same- sublime, powerful, calm, wild, exciting and welcoming.
In 2010, I released the film
Who was I to make this film? Who was I to enter these families lives for a couple days?